Wednesday, November 18, 2009

To Know God

To know the will of God
is no meager task.

How to pray is
not something that one person
can determine for another.

Some pray on their knees,
full of fear and awe,
some pray on their feet,
some while walking,
some lying down.

I pray through my pen,
and through lyrics I speak in music I make.
I pray in my bed each night
before I go to sleep
and each morning
before I rise.

Some mothers pray during labour
while giving birth to their children,
some fathers pray
while tossing a ball with their sons.

No matter how I choose to pray,
I pray with the hopes of knowing God,
with a yearning to learn
of his will for me,
to feel the presence of his divine force.

I pray for the insight, intuition,
awareness and consciousness
to know God’s will,
for the courage, strength, wisdom,
integrity, decisiveness and willingness
to carry out God’s will,
and for the motivation, determination
and perseverance
to make my will coincide with his.

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