Saturday, January 15, 2011


Never doubt the power of human generosity.

In every single moment of life, human beings have the capacity to choose. Perhaps one of the simplest and most powerful choices a person can make is to choose to be generous.

We live in a world where the choice to be generous in any given circumstance can seem counterintuitive. Within a pervasive context of thinking where self-gain reigns supreme, to give of oneself needlessly or without the intention of receiving personal benefit in return makes no sense. From the perspective of one who is a single part of the greater whole which makes up reality, a generous disposition makes perfect sense.

The cliché statement that "it is better to give than receive" actually bears immense wisdom. When a person gives generously to another, they immediately gain benefits that are not obvious, insofar as there is no immediate tangible reward for one's generosity. However, in being generous, a person becomes open to the very idea of generosity itself, and becomes more able to receive generously. This doesn't mean that if I give you a dollar, I'm going to get a dollar back; this notion of reciprocity is simplistic and is a far cry from what is meant by the term "karma." It is a law of human beings (and perhaps all spiritual beings) that how one consciously chooses to behave repeatedly over time will eventually become part of one's character, one's self - one's very being. And our experience of reality, and ultimately the quality and flavour of our lives themselves, flows from how we are being in the world.

Skeptical? Go and try it out. The next time someone is speaking to you, be generous with your listening; you'll be surprised what people are willing to talk about with you if you are actually patient and open enough to listen. The next time someone asks you for a favour in which there seems to be no immediate benefit in your helping them, help them anyway - and do it gladly. You may begin to notice that others are much more likely and willing to go out of their way to help you.

Be persistently generous with others and that very generosity will become part of who you are. You will begin to naturally attract and elicit that same generosity from others and from the universe itself.

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